SoulCams is an adult webcam site and contains sexually explicit content. It is strictly prohibited for individuals who are under 18 years old (or the age of majority defined by their jurisdiction, if higher) to access content on SoulCams.
As a Restricted to Adults (RTA) compliant website, we know how important it is to provide parents and guardians with the necessary information to control and restrict their children’s access to any adult entertainment streaming website, including adult webcam sites like SoulCams.
This guide will help you set up parental controls and adjust privacy settings to provide your child with a safer online environment. Parental controls can help to protect your child from seeing something that they shouldn’t — although it is important to emphasise that no system is effective all of the time, so it is important to engage with your child and talk to them about their online life regularly
Why is it important to prevent your children from accessing adult websites?
- Online safety: Children and young people, who can easily access anything on any device at home and at school, are not yet emotionally equipped to deal with adult content, which can be confusing and distressing for them.
- Preventing addiction: Early exposure to adult content can lead to unhealthy habits and addiction.
- Maintaining focus: Blocking distracting and inappropriate websites helps focus on productive and educational activities.
- Encourage positive behaviors: Ensuring that children have access to age-appropriate content will encourage positive online habits.
We advise you to read the following guides that tell you step by step on how to set up parental controls on different operating systems, browsers, devices, social media platforms and so on:
A guide to Parental Controls ~ Produced by Knowsley CLCs
Parental Control Guidebook ~ Be with them in the digital space so they stay safe
Disclaimer: These guides and all accompanying methods and services are for informational purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any consequences that may arise from the use of the methods suggested in this guide. If you are not sure how to set up the parental filters on your device correctly, ask an adult family member who has more experience with technical devices or ask a professional to do it for you.