has a zero-tolerance policy for any livestream or other content that sexualizes, sexually exploits, and/or endangers children. ONLY VERIFIED MODELS 18+ are permitted to stream on our platform and/or appear on camera or upload contents like images or prerecorded videos.
SoulCams is deeply committed to fighting the spread of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) online.
- In addition to enforcing strict age verification with all SoulCams models, we also prohibit sharing any form of CSAM over live stream, including but not limited to: text, photos, videos, illustrations, deepfake, AI, or other computer-generated images.
- Moreover, any written content, including but not limited to: comments, content titles, content descriptions, chat messages, usernames, or profile descriptions) that promotes, references, or alludes to CSAM and/or the sexual exploitation or abuse of a child is also strictly prohibited.
- Anyone caught engaging in age play, and/or role-playing any kind of sexual fantasy involving minors will be banned.
- Any user or model who pretends to be underage will be banned.
- Filters and other technological modifications used to make a model appear underage are strictly prohibited on
- Anyone caught sharing links in chat to off-platform CSAM or other illegal content will be banned and reported.
Policy Enforcement
- SoulCams has a dedicated team of 24/7 human moderators to ensure live streams do not contain illegal content or anything that would violate our Term of Use
- We also conduct regular audits of our platform and utilize the latest technical tools to ensure all live streams and models are in compliance with our Term of Use
Anyone can report potential violations
- If you believe you have come across CSAM, or any other content in a live stream that otherwise violates our Term of Use, please immediately contact and provide all relevant information.
- All complaints and reports to SoulCams are kept confidential and are reviewed by human moderators as quickly as possible.
- We freely cooperate with law enforcement and report any sharing of illegal content and/or abuse to the appropriate authorities.
If you believe a child is in danger, please alert your local law enforcement authorities immediately!