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Privacy Policy (for viewers/customers)

We have recently updated our Privacy Policy to comply with the new requirements set out by the EU General Data Protection Regulation and to make it easier to read. The updated Privacy Policy automatically comes into effect for all existing users on May 25, 2018. Your continued use of our site from that day on will be subject to our new Privacy Policy.

SoulCams.com is a platform for independent webcam models, where they can broadcast their live streams and share their photos. This service is intended for adult audiences. That means, you must be 18 years or older to use the service.

When you sign up as a member to use services provided by SoulCams.com, we require you to share certain personal information with us. We assure you, that your personal information is protected by the highest internet security standards and we will never share or sell your personal information with a third party.

Please read this policy carefully, as it explains how we collect and use these information and also, how you can remove your data from our system. The text is written in a way, that is simple to understand, without too much legal mumbo jumbo. If you have any question about this privacy policy or how we treat and protect your data, do not hesitate to contact us.

The company handling your data

The company, that operates SoulCams.com is registered in Germany, under the name , a private limited liability company with the registration number HRB 43682

Information we collect and process

We collect and use different types of your personal data as a result of your visit of and/or use of our services on our site.

The personal data we collect includes the following categories of data:

Personal data you give to us

When you create a customer account on our site

When you create an account on our site, we require important details about you:

  • a username
  • a password
  • an email address

In order to give yourself more visibility and presence on our site, you can complete “Profile” in your account settings. By doing so, you are free to give to us some additional information, such as:

  • your name
  • your country
  • your age
  • your gender
  • your sexual preferences
  • your sign
  • your characteristics like height, weight, hair colour, hair length, eye colour, build, race

When you contact our Support

We collect all information you choose to share with our Support, like:

  • your personal e-mail
  • the services, the Model or customer username associated with your request
  • your comments or opinions about a Model
  • your conversations with the Support Team

More generally, when you communicate with us in any other way, we will collect whatever information you provide us with.

When you purchase tokens

When you purchase tokens in order to participate on our site, depending on the payment method you choose, we may collect your identification information (first name, last name, country) and payment details (debit or credit card information or bank account information).

Personal Information we get when you use our services

We collect certain information about you when you are using our services.

Concretely, this means that, when you visit our site or use our services, we collect certain information about you.

Usage information

We also collect information about your communications with the Models, such as:

  • the username of the Model
  • the time and date of your communications
  • the type of communications (for example, a comment, review you make about them, private chat)

Content information

We collect any content you create and/or post on our site, such as pictures (for example, profile image/avatar you upload to your profile) and information about the content you create or provide.

We also collect, any information you communicate to and/or share with Models on the site, such as the messages you send in private chat or during live shows as well as the offline messages you have through our inbuilt-message system. We collect any other communication data such as chat logs, text messages, faxes and letters you send to us.

Log data and device information

We automatically collect log data and information from or about your computer, phone, or other device you use to access our services or navigate on our site. This includes:

  • your IP address
  • the date and time you logged into your account
  • types of features you use
  • the hardware, software or internet browser you use
  • information about your computer’s operating system, like application version
  • your language settings
  • your camera settings
  • identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies that may uniquely identify your device or browser

If you are using a mobile device, we might also collect:

  • data that identifies your mobile device
  • device-specific settings and characteristics
  • location details
  • app crashes and other system activity
  • Information collected by cookies and other technologies

Like many websites and applications, we use cookies and other technologies (such as web beacons, web storage, and unique advertising identifiers) to collect information about your activity, browser, and device.

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can usually remove or reject browser cookies through the settings on your browser or device. Keep in mind, though, that blocking cookies may negatively affect your use of the services on our site. To learn more about how we use cookies and your choices, please check out our Cookies Policy.

Personal data we receive from third parties

We collect information that users of the site, such as Guests, Members or Models provide about you in the course of the chat conversation or communication with our Support Team. The personal information we collect may also come from third parties, such as partners and service providers, to the site. These third parties assist us in maintaining data accuracy and providing and enhancing the services. We are also dealing with partner ad networks, which help us to promote SoulCams. For example, we might receive information about your experiences and interactions from our partner ad networks. We are also managing an ad network and promotional tools ourselves and may receive information about your experiences and interactions with our ads and promotional tools published/used on third party sites.

Personal data we collect from publicly available sources

We collect publicly available information about you only when it is necessary to prevent fraud and illegal activities on our site (for example, when we suspect that you are about to commit a fraud (using lost/stolen credit cards).

This data may comprise publicly available information you share on social media like Facebook, your blog and/or site, and any other public data available on the internet.

This information is always associated or combined with the data we collect through our site in order to finalize our investigation before reporting any fraud and illegal activities to authorities. We never use publicly available data for any other purpose.

Why do We Process Your Personal Data?

We use the information we collect for the following purposes:

Open your Member account and provide you with the services

Primarily, we use the personal data you give us when you create your account to open and administer your online account, to allow you to do a number of activities and to use features of our site. In addition, we use the information to allow you to purchase tokens and benefit from paying and non-paying services.

Your account is also a way to exercise control over your personal data. In your account, you can manage your purchases, take advantage of special offers, and manage your account settings. You are in control of what you use to complete your profile, and can choose the information you wish to share with us.

We process this information given our legitimate interest in providing you the services you requested and creating your account.

If you fail to provide minimum details about you, the consequence will be that we will not be able to create an account and allow you to use our services.

Improve and promote our services

  • We use your personal data for analytical and statistical purposes. We place great emphasis on the improvement of our services and on the enhancement of your experience as a Member or Guest.

In order to better understand what your needs are and how we can improve our services, we compile the information you gave to us or that we collected about you when visiting pages on our site or while using our services, to detect general trends regarding the preferences/habits of our users. This helps us to generate statistical reports, for example, general statistics reports on our customers’ activity based on the categories of Models viewed, the countries, or the purchases.

  • We also use your personal data for testing purposes, troubleshooting and improving the functionality and quality of our online entertainment services. Our main goal is to optimize our site and services to your needs, which makes them easier and more enjoyable to use.
  • We share very limited characteristics about you with the Models registered on our site, so that they can deliver a service adapted to you. Please see section WITH WHOM DO WE SHARE YOUR DATA? to learn more.
  • We have affiliate programs through which webmasters or other third parties can help us to promote our sites. Those sites can include only certain categories of Models.

We share some limited information about you with the webmasters or other third parties participating to our programs, in order to help them to setup, maintain and optimize their marketing campaigns or promotional activities. This also allows them to track their income. Please see section WITH WHOM DO WE SHARE YOUR DATA? to learn more.

  • Finally, please be aware that any information that you made public on our site, such as comments on Models, the review you make about them may appear on search engines results, together with your username.

We process this information given our legitimate interest in developing and improving our site and our users’ experience, as well as to promote our services and our sites.

Customer relationship management and communication with you

  • We provide Support service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sharing your personal details with our Support Team allows us to respond to any question you might have about our services.

All your communications with our Support and all information you provide in the course of such communications, including any review or opinion about the services of a Model are collected and analyzed so that we may respond to your request. We can also ensure this way full compliance of all users of our site with our terms and conditions.

Finally, be aware that, when receiving a request or claim of a customer, our Support Team can access all information you give to us and all usage information we collected about you. We want to make sure that our Support has all information needed to appropriately and immediately respond to your request.

Please note that the Support may also communicate with you through emails or any other means, if appropriate.

  • Please note that we may also communicate with you through emails or any other means, if appropriate, in order to inform you of certain changes regarding our site or of certain events, for example, when you successfully register on our site.

We process this information given our legitimate interest in improving our users’ experience and delivering appropriate customer services to you.

Payment and Accounting

  • Depending on the payment method you choose, we use your identification data and payment information to process transactions and maintain legally required accounting records.
  • We also use your data, if necessary, to investigate issues with the bank processing your payment or with a debt collector, in case of unpaid transactions, chargebacks or refunds.

The use of your personal information is necessary to perform the contract that you have with us. If you purchase tokens, we will use your information to execute the payment and provide you with the services.

Ensure a safe and trustworthy environment

  • Because we want to create and ensure a safe environment where you can peacefully enjoy our services, we use your personal data to detect and prevent fraud and other illegal activities on our site.
  • We also use your data to detect potential breaches to the rules of our site. The rules of the site are explained in our terms and conditions.
  • Finally, we use your personal information for security purposes and risk assessment, such as to authenticate you on our site and verify your identity.

We process this information given our legitimate interest in ensuring compliance with the rules of our site, fraud detection and prevention, as well as, information, system, network and cyber security.

Sending of customized marketing emails

This will allow you to be informed of new services/features or special offers.

If you accepted to receive marketing emails, we will send promotional emails to your registered email address occasionally about our contests, promotions, sales. However, be aware that you can very easily unsubscribe from such emails at any time in your ‘Settings’ menu or by clicking on ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of our email. Unsubscribing from such emails means you might miss out information on new services and special offers.

We may rely on a legal obligation to process your personal data, such as for accounting purposes, we may also use your information to respond to requests of competent authorities or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

We may combine your information with information lawfully obtained from other third party sources and use it for the above purposes.

How do We Protect Your Personal Data?

We implement serious security measures to grant maximum protection to your personal information against unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or deletion. Your data is protected by our highly sophisticated security systems.

We actively implement data loss prevention systems against leakage, theft and data breach in order to ensure that our site and the entire IT infrastructure related to it are updated against the latest network security vulnerabilities. We periodically test our IT systems and do sophisticated penetration tests. Our site incorporates the most advanced security technologies available in order to ensure maximum safety of its users and the safekeeping of their related information.

With Whom do We Share Your Data?

We share certain of your personal data with the following parties:

With the Models

Your contract with us secures your ability to benefit from and purchase services relating to adult entertainment from Models.

  • Regarding your profile information, by default, the only data element visible to the Model is your username.

However, you may choose to share with a Model other information about you that you added to “Profile” in your account settings, like your country, gender, age, hobbies, interests, etc., you may also connect your camera in private chat in order to visually communicate with the Model or just turn on your microphone. The Model is not allowed to record the visuals you provide.

  • What else do we show about you to the Models?
  • We show them a special icon, if you marked them as favorite (‘Follow’)
  • We show them member types with different colours: your username appears with a different colour for them, if you are a regular Member on a site and already purchased a certain number of tokens, or if you are a Fan club member so that they know that you deserve extra attention and a good service.

With other users of the site and with the public

When you chat with a Model in a free chat, other users of our site can see your username and the messages you write. In addition, if you post comments on a Model’s profile, or you write a review of a Model, other users will see them also. Your comments and username may also be visible on the results of a search engine, like Google, for example. Therefore, if you do not want other users or the public in general to see your comments, please do not post comments on a Model’s wall. When you initiate a private chat with a Model, only our organization and the Model can access the communications. Be assured that other Guests or Members of SoulCams will not access any information about you from the moment you enter into a private chat.

Webmasters participating to our affiliate programs

We have affiliate programs through which webmasters and other third parties can help us to promote our sites. The webmaster cannot see or access your personal data, and is only a technical operator and business partner helping us to promote our activity. In no event, you are a client / customer of a webmaster.

We only share some limited information with them that however cannot lead to your direct identification. This minimum information helps them to setup, maintain and optimize their marketing campaigns or promotional activities. This also allows them to track their income. Please be aware that we will never share with them any information leading to your direct identification, for example, your real name, your address, your email address, your payment details or your IP address.

Service providers

We use carefully selected and trusted third parties, who act as service providers to our site. We ensure that they are bound by contractually binding obligations to process information we share with them in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and all applicable data protection laws.

Payment providers and financial institutions

When you purchase tokens, depending on the payment method you choose, your payment may be processed by a third party bank or payment processor and you may share with this party certain details, as well as payment information for the purpose of completing a transaction.

You may receive transactional emails from this party confirming the order, including dispatch, possible refunds.

If you share information with third parties directly, this Privacy Policy does not govern the processing of your personal information by these third parties.

When a chargeback is requested by you or by the holder of the credit card used to make the transaction, we have, in certain cases, to share some information about you and your use of the services with the processing bank.

We may furthermore share information with relevant financial institutions, if we consider it strictly necessary for fraud detection and prevention purposes.

Law enforcement agencies or governmental authorities

We may also share information with law enforcement agencies or authorities, if such disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with our legal obligations, (b) respond to information requests for fraud investigations and alleged illegal activities, (c) enforce and administer our terms and conditions, and/or (d) protect our rights or defend ourselves against any claims.

Business transfers

Finally, please also note that your information may also be transferred to another company in the event of sale of the whole or part of our business to a third party.

How do We Transfer Your Personal Data Outside of the European Economic Area?

As we are a Germany based company, we comply with the EU Data Protection Regulation commonly called “GDPR” (If you want to learn more you can check: EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC), which provides a high level of protection of your personal data.

In the course of the operation and exploitation of the site and the provision of the services, your personal information may be transferred outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”) to our affiliated companies or to third parties data processors located in the US, for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

If we transfer your personal data outside of the EEA, we endeavor to ensure that your rights and freedoms in respect of the processing of your personal data are adequately and appropriately protected. For this purpose, we utilize the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission that you can find here

What are Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?

We did our best to explain what your rights are and how you can exercise them. If, despite of our below explanations, you are still unsure about the actions you can take or the conditions of exercise of your rights, do not worry, our Support Team will provide you with all the assistance you need when exercising your rights.

You may also contact us, at any time, before exercising any of your rights, and we will reply to your request as quickly as possible.

Data access and data portability

You have the right to access the personal information that we hold about you by requesting a copy of your personal data free of charge. Upon verification of your identity, your request will be sent to our Support Team. If we consider that your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive (for example, because you requested a copy of your data numerous times in a short period of time), we may refuse to act or charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs for providing you the information.

In certain cases, you may also be entitled to request copies of personal information that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and/or request us to transmit this information to another service provider (where technically feasible). For this purpose, you can send an email to [email protected].

Rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data

You have the right to request that we correct any inaccuracies in your personal data.

For this purpose, you can send an email to [email protected].

Data retention and erasure

We generally retain your personal information for as long as is necessary for the performance of the contract between you and us and to comply with our legal obligations.

If you no longer want us to use your information, you can request that we erase your personal information and close your account. In such case, please send us an email to [email protected].

Your request will be sent to our Support Team who will contact you to learn more about your request.

Please note that if you request the erasure of your personal information:

  • We might retain some of your personal information as necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud detection and prevention and enhancing safety. For example, if we close or suspend your account for fraud or illegal activities, we may retain certain information about you to prevent you from opening a new account in the future. Such information shall also be kept available in case of ongoing judicial proceedings/and or investigations.
  • We may retain and use your personal information to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations. For example, we may keep some of your information for tax, legal reporting and auditing obligations. Please note that according to German legislation financial related information shall be kept for a period of ten years.
  • Some copies of your information (e.g., log records) may remain in our database, but are disassociated from personal identifiers.
  • In order to protect the integrity of our system and your personal information from accidental or malicious loss and destruction, we have backup systems. Residual copies of your personal information may not be removed from our backup systems for a limited period of time.

Right to object

We process your data for a variety of reasons as explained in section WHY DO WE PROCESS YOUR PERSONAL DATA?. Applicable law may entitle you to require us not to process your personal information for certain specific purposes where such processing is based on legitimate interest. If you object to such processing we will stop processing your personal data for these purposes. In specific situations, we may have to refuse the execution of your request. This would be the case where we have legitimate grounds to continue such processing or if we have to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

Please keep in mind that objecting to the use of your data might disable the use of your account.

Please note that you may, at any time, ask us to stop sending you marketing emails by opting-out in your account settings.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request that we put on hold the use of your data, while other challenges are resolved.

Basically, you can ask this in 4 cases:

  • If you contest the fact that the personal data we hold about you is accurate: in this case, the processing operations in relation to this data will be put on hold for the period during which this is verified.
  • You have objected to a processing activity based on legitimate interest(s): in this case, you can require the processing operation to be put on hold while we verify the grounds for processing.
  • You consider that the processing is unlawful but you object to erasure and request restriction, instead.
  • We have no further need for the data but you require it to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims.

Despite your request, we may still continue the processing of your personal data if we have to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims. We will notify you before lifting a restriction.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you consider that our processing of your personal data infringes the GDPR or any other applicable national laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, (in particular in the Member State where you live, place of work or of an alleged infringement of the GDPR).

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may occasionally amend this Privacy Policy to reflect changes to our services and the way we handle your personal information or changes in the applicable laws.

If we make changes we consider important, we will let you know by placing a notice on the relevant site and/or contact you using other methods such as email.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, such changes will be applicable from the time they are published on our site, unless we specify a date of entry into force. Your continued use of our site from that day on will be subject to the new Privacy Policy.

How to Contact Us?

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us using the information below:

Updated on July 28, 2024
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