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  4. Rules for Photos and Videos

Rules for Photos and Videos

The following things are forbidden on SoulCams at any time and for any reason, both in private and free chat and also on any offline content you upload such as profile images, photo albums, cover images, or prerecorded videos. Most of them constitute zero-tolerance violations which means you will be banned the first time they happen. Please see the List of forbidden things here.  Photos and videos must also meet additional criteria. Please see them below specified for all content types.

Important! SoulCams Support Team revises all content you upload. It means that any content you upload will only appear on the site if our staff approves it. This is required for maintaining a safe environment on the website. SoulCams also meets and strictly respects and follows the security standards of PCI DSS, a standard set by Visa/MasterCard. Read more about it here: Content Monitoring and Approval on SoulCams

General rules for all type of offline content

  • Only age-verified models/content creators can upload content on SoulCams
  • You must be visible on the uploaded content
  • No prohibited content may be present on the uploaded content
  • Filtered, edited, AI-manipulated content is accepted only if it is done tastefully and the registered person(s) appear on it.
  • Other, non-registered persons shall not appear. Minors are strictly forbidden under any circumstances.
  • Content with logos; watermarks are not allowed
  • Only content with good quality will be approved. Make sure that the content you upload is always of high-resolution and HD quality, clear, sharp and with proper lighting. Noisy, pixellated, blurry images and videos cannot be accepted.
  • No Spamming: you cannot advertise other websites, or products on any uploaded material. You can however provide your social media platforms on your profile as well as your personal homepage if you have one.

Profile photos

  • Your Profile photo should not contain explicit content. Nudity is fine but nipples and genitalia must be covered. Please upload images only where intimate parts are covered.
  • The image needs to show the registered model(s) or at least the model(s)’s body part
  • Use a recent photo of yourself. Your appearance like hair length and colour, weight and so on, has to be in sync with what the visitors will see on your live stream or offline content. We like to post photos that we think look like the best version of ourselves, but if your photo was taken over 10 years ago, users might become disappointed and will consider your image misleading.

Cover photos

  • Your Cover photo should not contain explicit content. Nudity is fine but nipples and genitalia must be covered. Please upload images only where intimate parts are covered.
  • The image needs to show the registered model(s) or at least the model(s)’s body part

Image albums

  • Image albums might be explicit and softcore also based on the visibility you set. Free image albums should not contain explicit material, premium photo albums can.
  • Avoid uploading too similar images in an album


  • Videos might be explicit and softcore also based on the visibility you set. Free videos should not contain explicit material, premium videos can.
  • Videos have to contain sound. Background music is also acceptable.
  • If your video is in a language other than English it should include English subtitles

Updated on February 6, 2025
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